How to Develop Good Study Habits in Primary School Students

Teach a child the way to go, and when he is older, he will not stray from it. Study habits take root during those early formative years. Whatever you instill during this period lays the foundation for what comes next. If you teach little ones the right way to study right from the tender years, they’ll be reaping the benefits well into adulthood. Let our pointers guide you on how to nurture good study habits among nursery and primary school students. 

Set up a Suitable Study Zone or Room 

Does your little one study in the living room, just in front of the TV? That most certainly will not make for effective studying. As a parent, you want to, first of all, provide a safe space where your child can study without interference. Be that from other members of the household or common appliances like the television. 

So where is the best place for a child to study? Here are a few ideas for creating a safe and conducive study space: 

  • Set out a quiet room in the house
  • Keep additional study accessories within arm’s length but don’t crowd the desk as it can be distracting for little minds
  • Choose the right desk that allows for a comfortable writing position without being too high or too low
  • Select a place with no outside views. In other words, keep the study zone out of the direct line of sight of doors and windows

Setting up a safe space where nursery school students feel relaxed and comfortable is key to encouraging studying. 

Create a Time-table for Them

Young students work well with structure and achieve very little without it. A timetable provides that and can improve productivity for young students. So how do you make a child’s timetable? 

Keep in mind the following considerations:  

  • Get your child involved in the process. Don’t do it alone. Let them offer input too
  • Determine areas where they’re struggling so you can allocate more time there
  • Give homework first priority in terms of time or slot allocation 
  • Practice spaced studying. It shouldn’t be a sprint study but more like a marathon with regular pit stops. Little minds are easily overwhelmed so your child should study in short bursts

Research finds that some of the best study periods are late mornings (10 AM to 2 PM) and early evenings no later than 10 PM.  As a parent, you most certainly know your children best and should pick a time when they are at their most attentive selves. Word of caution, timetables should not be a means of forceful study enforcement and therefore you shouldn’t treat them as such. See it as a tool to simply structure, guide and motivate learning. 

Reward Positive Outcomes 

Positive reinforcement is always an effective strategy, whether you’re teaching nursery and primary school students about good behavior or good study habits. 

If your child, for instance, ticks all their items off their study table for the day, reward them by allowing the indulgence in a hobby such as TV, video games, or a favorite snack. Associating these rewards with studying can cultivate positive emotions toward studying, hopefully setting up a life-long passion for reading and learning. 

But don’t just reward time spent on study tasks. Reward accomplishments too e.g. by way of rewards for good performance in practice tests that you’ve designed. In the face of failure, always encourage and uplift rather than simply take away the reward. 

Encourage Group Study

There’s power in numbers, more so when it comes to studying. Different kids bring different ideas to the table. Children get to bounce these ideas off each other and learn new perspectives on approaching subjects in a way that could be much easier or more memorable. 

With little kids, you want to keep the study group small so that it doesn’t descend into playtime.  Other tips to get an effective group study going include: 

  • Help them decide on topics to study beforehand 
  • Create an agenda and a checklist to guide study tasks for each session. Your toddler should take the lead here with you providing guidance 
  • Appoint a group leader/moderator and help them enforce turn-taking. While you shouldn’t be directly in attendance as this can intimidate the other kids, try to eavesdrop from a distance to ensure everyone’s actively contributing 

Good Study Habits Take Time and Practice

When nursery and primary school students master good studying habits, they’ll hit their full academic potential and perform brilliantly in class. These habits not only lead to better focus, but they can also improve memory and set up your child for success in other areas of life too, with group studies improving social and EQ skills. But great ideas remain just that when not put to work. Put these tips to practice so that your child can get the hang of it all at an early age. Remember, actions become habits and practice makes perfect.